Elizabeth holloway’s Blog

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Paul Washer’s Shocking Message January 28, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — elizabethholloway @ 3:03 pm

Trevor and I listened to this message a bit ago. It got both of us really thinking about the state of Christianty in the United States today. It also got us thinking about our own personal walks with Christ and made us examine ourselves as Scripture commands. I hope you find it as thought and prayer provoking as we did.

Here is the link. I would love to hear what you think.


God’s Faithfulness in 2008 January 17, 2009

Filed under: Walk — elizabethholloway @ 8:41 am

A new year is upon us, thus it is only right that I time to reflect upon the year that has ended.  I thought it would be a fun family tradition to sit down together each year and remind one another of all the ways we have seen God at work in our lives.  Let the list begin!

By God’s grace and provision we were able to pay off both our undergraduate loans.

God provided two jobs for Trevor since we moved to Kansas City.

We found places to stay in Kansas City for about 2 months that fit our needs and were rent free.

We conceived another child (Titus James will be here soon)!

Trevor has had many witnessing opportunities at his current job (and pray for us because tomorrow we will be meeting with a family that wants us to come over weekly and teach them and their children about God and the Bible).

This summer we didn’t think we would have enough money to make it another month but God proved his promise true and provided for us through several different means.

We live close to our friends from college and the only people we knew in Kansas before moving.

Trevor got a promotion in his job after only being there a couple of months.

We were able to get free health insurance that will last until after the baby is born.

Those are a few of the “biggies” that came to our minds.  I’m sure there are many more ways God has blessed us this past year, but this is the short list for now.

How was God faithful to you in 2008?