Elizabeth holloway’s Blog

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3rd Trimester December 18, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — elizabethholloway @ 7:13 am

I’m in the my third trimester today!  The time has gone by much more quickly than I have anticipated, for that I am truly thankful.  I went to the doctor today and had my glucose test done.  I found out our baby is head down-yay and that we are looking good.  My scheduled c-section, in case I do not go into labor on my own, (it is not usually practice to induce a VBAC because it increases the risk of uterine rupture) will be in early April, so I can wait until I am 42 weeks pregnant.

I was a little disapointed because my Dr. is pregnant and due on March 14th, 5 days before my own due date of March 19th.  We really like our OB/GYN but hope that I will just go early so she can still deliever baby boy Holloway #2.

This pregnancy has been much different from my first.  The main difference is that I am so busy and involved with Ethan my focus is not often on his little brother inside me until Ethan is in bed.  My thoughts and attention are so much on my devotion and service to Ethan (and Trevor of course) that I don’t have the same time I did to focus on myself.  I don’t know that I was necessarily selfish when I was pregnant with Ethan, but I will say I did enjoy the attention.  This time I am fully content with all the attention still on Ethan and the soon to be new baby. 

I think I have also grown a lot in my role as wife besides mother during this pregnancy.  I have seen some extraordinary wives and mothers at my church who are great role models. I see all they do for thief husbands and children that I just hope they grew into those roles and that it is not just who they are (that thought gives me hope in becoming the wife and mother God wants me to be).  Although I loved the attention Trevor doted me with while Ethan was in utero, I am so glad that I have time to really be the helper he needs me to be right now while he is working so hard for us. 

I am also making sure to enjoy these special days when it is just me and Ethan.  I am so looking forward to seeing Ethan as a big brother, but right now I am trying to enjoy each moment with him because I know things will never be the same once I have this child.  I love him so much, it is unbelievable and it is hard to believe soon I will two people this much (Of course I love Trevor the most, sorry Ethan and baby, that’s how God designed it.)!